Perfezionamento del Russo (livre seul) © Assimil – nicht vertragliche Bilder Bild vergrößern

Perfezionamento del Russo

1 Buch
Victoria Melnikova Suchet & Elena Treu
Buchreihe In der Praxis
- (B1-B2) Selbstständige Sprachanwendung > (C1) Fachkundig
Italienisch Ausgangssprache: ITALIENISCH
Russisch Erlernte Sprache: RUSSISCH

A 736-page book with 70 lessons

23,60 €

- +

Advanced Russian for Italian speakers

This work caters to those who already have a basic grasp of Russian and wish to consolidate what they have learned and raise their game. It looks at all the themes representing Russian society: from culture (art, literature, fashion etc.) to the economy (business Russian) not forgetting scenes from everyday life (family, relationships with a partner, neighbours, in the city etc.). After every seven lessons, you get in-depth explanations of notions of grammar already learned and details for the most complicated. Learners remain upbeat because our advanced course is full of fun, featuring all sorts of jokes that reflect Russian mindset. The aims:

  • speak Russian, adapting easily to the environment you are in,
  • gain better insights into idiomatic expressions,
  • understand Russian films without dubbing,
  • read the general-interest and specialist press,
  • understand conversation with people from various parts of Russia (different accents are mentioned in the pronunciation remarks).
    • Idiomatic expressions and linguistic subtleties
    • Lots of new vocabulary
    • A variety of texts


Recordings of all the texts and translation exercises are available separately. Recorded by professional native speakers, they are a vital learning asset. The title: Yсовершенствование русского языка-4 audio CDs (9782700517897) or 1 MP3 download (3135414907120).

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