L’Arabo (livre seul) © Assimil – nicht vertragliche Bilder Bild vergrößern


1 Buch
Dominique Halbout, Jean-Jacques Schmidt, Marco Cena & Elena Bracco
Buchreihe Ohne Mühe
- (A1-A2) Elementare Sprachanwendung > (B2) Selbstständig
Italienisch Ausgangssprache: ITALIENISCH
Arabisch Erlernte Sprache: ARABISCH

A 816-page book with 77 lessons

25,50 €

- +

Arabic course for Italian speakers

Arabic is the official language of 22 countries, accounting for approx. 300 million Arabic speakers worldwide. The Arabic used in this work is that of the press, radio and television. This common language, known as unified modern Arabic, is very close to classic or literary Arabic. In the first part of the course, called the impregnation phase, you will be introduced to Arabic characters and the rudiments of the language. Soon, you will be able to read and you will come to assimilate many simple constructions and little phrases used in everyday life. In the second part, you will move on to the active study phase. What you have learned gives you extended and solid means of expression to make yourself understood in an Arabic-speaking country. The lessons and accompanying tips will guide you step by step to independence. Once you have finished, you will be able to understand and express yourself in all common situations in everyday life.

  • Lively, useful dialogue
  • Carefully-constructed progression
  • Systematic revision


Recordings of all the texts and translation exercises are available separately. Recorded by Arabic-speaking actors, they are a vital learning asset. The title is:ٱللّغةٱلعربيّة -

4 audio CDs (9782700512427), 1 MP3 CD (9782700512885), 1 USB stick (9782700518252) or 1 MP3 download (3135414906819).

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