Le Français en pratique (Using French mp3 download) ©Assimil – images non-contractual View larger

Le Français en pratique

Downloadable MP3 files
Collection Perfect your skills
- (B1-B2) Intermediate > (C1) Proficiency

MP3 files lasting 3 hrs 

€ 49,90 VAT incl.

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You already have the book and now would like the corresponding recordings in MP3 file format.

This download includes the recordings corresponding to the books:

  • Französisch in der Praxis (9783896250346)
  • Francés Perfeccionamiento (9782700501537)
  • Using French (9782700501094)
  • Französisch in der Praxis (9782700501360)
  • Frans in de praktijk (9789070077334)
  • Perfezionamento del Francese (9788886968362)

The recordings include all the texts in French for each lesson and the translation exercises from the book. These progressively more challenging texts have been recorded by professional native speakers.

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