Le corse (superpack) © Assimil – nicht vertragliche Bilder Bild vergrößern

Le corse

+ + 1 Buch + 3 Audio-CDs + 1 USB-Stick (mp3-Dateien)
Pascal Marchetti
Buchreihe Ohne Mühe
- (A1-A2) Elementare Sprachanwendung > (B2) Selbstständig
Französisch Ausgangssprache: FRANZÖSISCH
Korsisch Erlernte Sprache: KORSISCH

Superpack: A 528-page book with 100 lessons, 3 audio CDs and 1 USB stick with 1,911 files lasting 3 hrs 15 min

71,00 €

- +

The language is presented as authentic, lively dialogues, just like what one might overhear while mixing with the locals. If you work as prescribed by the method, regularly and with perseverance, listening attentively and repetitively to the recordings if you have them, complying with the two progressive ""waves"", you will become comfortable using the language. It will prove to open doors to you in the world of Corsica, even if you don’t manage to speak like some critical locals.

Available in this box set on a USB stick and on audio CD, the recordings include all the texts in Corsican for each lesson and the translation exercises from the book. They have been recorded by professional native speakers. Use the USB stick to download all or part of the recordings on your MP3 player.

  • Lively, useful dialogue
  • Carefully-constructed progression
  • Exercises and revision

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