Ella Speaks French in Montreal: A Bilingual Adventure ©Assimil – images non-contractual View larger

Ella Speaks French in Montreal: A Bilingual Adventure

1 book
Lucie Angers & Edgar BRIDWELL
Collection A bilingual adventure
- (A1-A2) Beginner & False beginner > (A2) False beginner
English Source language: ENGLISH
French Studied language: FRENCH

An 83-page book

€ 12,00

- +

“Where am I? What is this place? As my mind slowly starts to awaken again, memory comes back to me, little by little… yeah. It’s all flooding back to me now: I am in Montreal. Montréal ! “

Ella's impulsivity got the better of her once again. First, she thought it was a great idea to go to Montreal, sign up for French classes, live with a local family, be immersed in the language, learn about the culture, and become bilingual in a heartbeat. Now she's just cold, scared, and miserable.

Follow Ella's adventures through her diary, as she adapts to her host family, the cold of winter and Quebec culture by making friends with Quebecers and people from abroad.

The story begins entirely in English, and as it progresses, the protagonist and the reader discover together new French words (written in blue). The result is a bilingual, 
Frenglish-style story that is easily understood thanks to the logic of the learning process. As new French vocabulary is being introduced, the proportion of French words increases until it culminates, on the last page, with a text written entirely in French!

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